Dynamic Passenger Information Koblenz

Commissioning of the first DPI displays at the 14th Deutschen Nahverkehrstag in Koblenz


The first five DPI displays were successfully put into operation on 08 June 2022, just in time for the 14th Deutschen Nahverkehrstag in Koblenz. In the first batch, the operations control centre from koveb in Schützenstraße was equipped with one (test-)device and the stops Brüderkrankenhaus and Gewerbepark Metternich with two devices each. The displays are currently in a three-month trial phase. After successful completion of this test phase, further locations will be equipped with the displays from the company Elektrotechnik und Elektronik Oltmann GmbH from Berlin. By 2025, a total of around 130 DPI displays are to be installed at 65 locations.

For more information on this project feel free to contact the project leader Mr. Lorenz Moritz (lm@blic.de).